Monday, July 27, 2015


The reservation system doesn't look at the luxury of life the backward classes(most of them) are living right now. People of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes and the OBC's have been cured of their ailment and now they are living a healthy life, this makes them see a surreal world, one which actually doesn't exist.
They have been blindfolded, and having no sense of what type of harsh and competitive world they are living in. The competitiveness in them and their wonderful minds which can be molded to give some of the greatest persons of this time, is being just thrown into a sewer that just drains into nothing but, well, a black hole.
I myself, have seen people, that have left the paper blank, get admission in a field of their interest.
But no, govt. has to give a reserved quota, and let the good brains drain, rather than punishing anyone who discriminates them, and help luring out the nation's perfect diamonds.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


The reservation system was enforced taking in account of the hardships and sufferings of the depressed classes in the past centuries,
They have benefited from it, obviously, there are reserved seats in every govt. and govt. affiliated institution, making up 49% of the total seats.
Of course, the people in the rural areas are coming up to claim what is rightfully their's, but the most benefited are the urban people. They can get through admissions, job interviews, etc. easily. This system of India, not only has compensated the backward classes, but has also helped them in any way they can, to get to a good, recognizable position.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Reservation is promoting casteism

The constitution of our country seeks to sort out the problem of caste system in India, therefore the govt has put reservation quotas in every aspect one can possibly see.
In my opinion, this quota system is pushing the casteism deep down people's throats.
In urban areas at least, people don't ask if one is of which category, we all live in harmony here. But due to reservation even a person who has absolutely no skill can be appointed for a task, which should have been given to a mor skilled person, thereby resulting better output.
This is now a discrimination against the general category, and it will make a hole in one's mind that (s)he got the task because (s)he belongs to reserved categories.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Reservation has literally f**ked our society

Reservation has been in our society for like, ages.
and what may seem to be little things that are done for the "depressed classes", is hell of a lot more,. Considering the living standards of at least 40% of the said classes, i can undoubtedly say that it is high time that the system amends itself or there are going to be inevitable circumstances which could have the power to take down the whole country

PS:-no offense to any category, me or someone whom i have known till now, doesnt give an F about these things and never discriminated anybody